How to Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens

In addition to spreading sickness and making kittens itchy, flea infestations can result in catastrophic blood loss and illness.

Flea combing and bathing are two techniques for removing fleas from cats, but they only kill adult fleas, not the fleas that are now attached to your kitten.

Fleas also have a lengthy life cycle and can survive as eggs, larvae, and pupae without living on your pets. They may reside in your house or yard during these stages.

So how do you get rid of fleas on kittens? Which therapies are secure? Are there any other non-toxic  ways to get rid of fleas on kittens?

Tips for Getting Rid of Fleas on Kittens

It is possible to lessen the spread of fleas to kittens by treating all household pets for fleas, attempting to manage fleas in the house and outside, and washing bedding in hot water.

Here are some more factors to think about when it comes to treating kittens for fleas, though.

Do Not Use Products With Permethrin

Cats actually have a very poor ability to process certain kinds of drugs and chemicals that humans and dogs can easily process. These drugs are entirely harmless for dogs and people but can be hazardous to cats at extremely low dosages due to their weak digesting ability.

Permethrin is one of the medications that cats have difficulties with. Since it works well against fleas, it is a common ingredient in flea remedies. Although it is okay for dogs, it is extremely harmful to cats. Be very careful to ensure that over-the-counter (OTC) flea remedies don’t include permethrin.

You must make sure you properly read all labels. A flea treatment that is safe for cats does not necessarily mean that it is safe for kittens. Ask your veterinarian if you’re unsure if a product is safe.

Do Not Use Essential Oils for Fleas on Kittens and Cats

Many different essential oils can be hazardous to cats even at low doses and concentrations due to the poor ability of cats to digest specific components.

Essential oils are frequently used in natural flea treatments because they can repel fleas. However, essential oils should be avoided, especially by kittens, as they can be quite harmful to cats.

Depending on the age and weight of the kitten, the optimal flea removal methods may vary. A kitten that is 8 weeks old only weighs 1.5 to 2 pounds.

The majority of products are safe for use in kittens that are beyond 8 to 10 weeks old or 1.5 to 2 pounds, however each product varies. Flea products typically contain doses that are too high for very young, tiny kittens because they haven’t been tested on kittens younger or smaller than that.

Always ensure that a flea product is both safe and effective for your cat by carefully reading the warnings and directions. No matter how big or young your kitten is, your veterinarian can assist you in finding remedies to get rid of fleas on them.

Use Natural Methods to Get Rid of Fleas on Very Young Kittens

Bathing and flea combing are the only two non-flea product methods for removing fleas from kittens. But both treatments only get rid of the adult fleas living on your kitten. They won’t stop any newly emerging fleas from the environment from infesting your cat or other animals. These techniques are not long-term fixes, but they are safe for young and small kittens who are not yet able to utilise flea products in a safe manner.

Here are some natural flea prevention tips.

Use a Flea Comb

The safest method for treating kittens under 8 weeks old with flea treatment is to comb them once or twice a day. This will enable you to manually get rid of the fleas without putting your young kitten in contact with any potentially harmful product chemicals.

Give Your Kitten a Bath

Another relatively risk-free and efficient way to assist your cat get rid of fleas is to give it a bath. the following safety advice:

  • Bathing your cat more than twice a week can harm their skin, so limit how often you bathe them.
  • As kittens are still learning to regulate their body temperatures, keep your kitten warm throughout the wash and dry them off soon after.
  • If you choose to use soap, stick to soft, tear-free soaps like Dawn or baby shampoo. Although it is not actually essential to eliminate or kill fleas, soapy water aids in preventing them from jumping out of the bathwater.
  • To prevent your cat from ingesting soap when grooming itself after the wash, make sure to properly rinse the soap off.

Start a Topical Treatment When Your Kitten Is Old Enough

Kittens can safely be treated with the right topical flea medications if they are 8–10 weeks old and weigh more than 1.5–2 pounds. In addition to killing the fleas on your cat, these products can stop new fleas from hopping onto your pet.

There are various OTC and prescription flea treatments that are suitable for kittens and safe to use. If you’re using an over-the-counter medication, be sure to read the label and use the recommended dosage for your kitten’s weight.

Your veterinarian can advise you on which OTC products would be safe and effective for your kitten in addition to prescribing a secure medication.

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