Author: Vishal Rawat


As the frosty season settles in our furry friends need a little extra care to stay happy and healthy. Winter poses unique challenges for our canine companions, but with some mindful care, you can ensure your dog stays safe and comfortable throughout the winter session. # STAY COZY INDOORS: Warm Beds: Provide a cozy and warm[...]
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“Absolutely! Blogs about cats can cover a wide range of topics, reflecting the diverse interests and behaviors of our feline friends. Here are some popular themes– BEHAVIOUR AND PHYCHOLOGY: Understanding Cat Behavior: Exploring why cats act the way they do, their instincts, and social behaviors. Training Tips: Guides on how to train cats, litter training,[...]
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Is Feeding Wheat Chapati & Biscuits Right for Dogs?

How often have we fed dogs leftover rotis or purchased inexpensive cookies to feed the homeless? If someone observed that occurring, nobody would bat an eye. It happens so frequently. The fact that dogs should not be fed gluten is something that many Indians are unaware of. Even while dogs can eat biscuits, they still[...]
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How NOT to Bore Your Pet

Tips and techniques for entertaining your lonely house dog  For almost everyone, having nothing to do day in and day out will get old. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that some dogs and cats would act in ways we would prefer they not if left to their own devices, day in and day[...]
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9 Ways to Help Your Constipated Cat

Topic : Symptoms Causes Vet Treatment 9 Ways to Help Your Constipated Cat Cats often have constipation. Typically, it’s moderate, and you may heal your cat by using straightforward home remedies. However, constipation in cats can occasionally be a sign of more serious medical problems, and it can also get quite bad and unpleasant. How[...]
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Do Dogs Recognize Facial Expressions?

Dog owners frequently consider their pets to be members of the family, and since humans and dogs share a social structure within their own species, they get along well as a unit. Family members form enduring relationships as they spend time together, reside near by, and share emotional experiences. Good communication is the cornerstone of[...]
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Can Dogs Smell Fear?

Have you ever observed that your dog becomes more attentive and clingy when you are scared? Have you also noticed that your dog may act differently towards those who appreciate dogs as opposed to those who are terrified of them? Although dogs have a keen sense of smell, can they detect fear? (Can Dogs Smell[...]
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How Long Can You Leave a Kitten Alone?

While some adult cats enjoy their own company, kittens often require a lot of interaction with people and activities. Their tiny minds are hard at work creating lasting ties with their human and animal partners throughout the hectic kitten months. Loneliness can result from being left alone for extended periods of time. Of course, kittens[...]
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Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

You’ve seen it before; dog owners all over the world adore it. The tilted head, the alert expression, the upright ears. Dogs have charmed pet parents with this look for generations, and in many ways, we encourage them to keep doing so by responding positively to them. But why, in the first place, do dogs[...]
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