Author: Vishal Rawat

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Regardless of whether your cat lives indoors or outside, one thing is for sure: your feline companion has certainly chewed on grass more than once. Even while it may seem odd, especially if your cat pukes later, there is nothing to be concerned about. In addition to the fact that there is no proof that[...]
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Why Do Dogs Lift Their Leg to Pee?

You might have come across an amusing video of a pug peeing while performing a handstand while browsing the internet. While this is amusing, there are actually 12 different elimination positions that dogs utilise when they need to urinate. Here we will discuss Why Do Dogs Lift Their Leg to Pee and learn about it.[...]
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Why Does My Dog Lick My Wounds?

Most dog owners have experienced it: they suffer a little skin wound, and the next thing they know, their dog is licking it. Ever questioned Why Does My Dog Lick My Wounds? Is this a natural reaction to sanitise the wound or comfort you after being hurt? Why Do Dogs Lick Your Wounds? Most animals[...]
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DIY Cat Toys

Cats enjoy playing. Playtime is a crucial component of your cat’s day, whether they are pouncing on mouse toys, chasing balls around the house, or scraping their claws on a post. But after a while, you’ll grow tired of constantly having to run to the pet store to buy new toys if your pet grows[...]
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Why Do Dogs Lick You?

Dogs often lick people to show affection, as a greeting, or to simply get our attention. Even though you may adore your dog, not everyone appreciates dog “kisses.” The majority of dog owners think their pets lick them as a sign of affection, but why do dogs actually lick us? What does it imply if your[...]
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Do Cats Drink Water?

Do Cats Drink Water? They do, absolutely. Despite the frequent depictions of cats drinking milk in films and other media, most felines shouldn’t consume it. However, water is just as essential to a cat’s survival as it is to people. Water makes up 60–70% of their body weight. Many cats dislike drinking water despite the[...]
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Why Should We Avoid Feeding Sweets to Our Pets?

‘’ How many times has your dog smelled the location where you hide when you go out for ice cream at midnight?” In this Blog we will discuss Why Should We Avoid Feeding Sweets to Our Pets? They enjoy everything, from the inherently sweet flavours of fruits to artificial sweeteners. Regardless of an animal’s ability[...]
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How Calm Down Dogs During Fireworks

For our pets, fireworks can be a night of explosions, panic, and anxiety while for us they may be symbols of joy, holiday cheer, and a fresh start to a new promising year. On almost no other night of the year do pets go missing as frequently as New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Ganesh Chaturthi.[...]
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5 Signs You Need to Hire a Dog Trainer

Dogs are capable of many things, and they stand out from other animals thanks to their superior memory. The dog trainers enter the picture to aid them in realising their potential. The first step to assisting your beloved dog in leading a secure and stress-free existence is accepting that they require assistance. A competent trainer[...]
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