Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Regardless of whether your cat lives indoors or outside, one thing is for sure: your feline companion has certainly chewed on grass more than once. Even while it may seem odd, especially if your cat pukes later, there is nothing to be concerned about. In addition to the fact that there is no proof that your cat would be harmed by eating grass, several experts believe your cat may even benefit from doing so. Here we will discuss Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Helps with stomach upset

Cats regurgitate after eating grass because they lack the enzymes needed to digest plant material. Does this imply that your cat enjoys puking? Although it’s unlikely that kitty appreciates the deed, this up-chucking sensation may completely clear any indigestible materials from the cat’s digestive tract, making it feel much better. This is significant since cats consume their prey whole, both the edible and inedible components included (fur, bones, feathers, etc.).

It’s in the Juice

The fluids in grass include folic acid, much like mother’s milk does. This vitamin is necessary for a cat’s body processes and helps make haemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen in the blood. Consider it like giving your cat a wheat grass shake (let’s hope they appreciate it more than you do).

 It works as a natural laxative

Another hypothesis contends that grass relieves indigestion by functioning as a natural laxative. Every cat owner knows that cats frequently vomit and leave adorable, wet tiny fur ball gifts throughout the house. However, kitty requires some assistance to digest the fur and pass it out the other end when it gets far enough into the digestive track. Call it instinct or a sixth sense, but your cat is aware that a small amount of grass may go a long way in helping to cleanse its system (and may save you a trip to the veterinarian).

In conclusion, eating grass is not harmful. Even some people think cats eat grass to soothe sore throats. However, we want to draw your attention to something. You should make sure that all of your houseplants are of the non-toxic variety whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat. You might also wish to create a herbal indoor garden or buy a small tray of grass exclusively for the cat. This will provide your cat with an alternative to the grass and landscaping outside, which could result in unintentional absorption of pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals used to treat your (or your neighbor’s) yard.

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