Do Cats Drink Water?

Do Cats Drink Water? They do, absolutely. Despite the frequent depictions of cats drinking milk in films and other media, most felines shouldn’t consume it.

However, water is just as essential to a cat’s survival as it is to people. Water makes up 60–70% of their body weight. Many cats dislike drinking water despite the fact that it is healthy for them, especially if it is still or standing. Because of this aversion to water, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your cat’s water intake to prevent dehydration.

Why is Proper Hydration Important for Cats?

Maintaining this balance is crucial because hydration is the physiological state of electrolytes, certain minerals, and fluids in the body. Water is essential because it has an impact on every aspect of life, including digestion, transfer of nutrients, and organ function.

Additionally, it aids in kidney detoxification and lessens the risk of urinary stones.

However, each cat is unique and has their own preferences. As a result, you might need to experiment with a few various water delivery techniques to find one that your cat like.

What Causes Dehydration in Cats?

Dehydration in cats can happen for a variety of causes. It’s in their DNA, which is one of the main causes. Felines have a lower thirst drive and a lower water requirement than canines because they originally originated from desert dwellers.

Due to their nearsightedness, cats may find it challenging to see the edge of the water in a bowl. Additionally, cats’ ability to lap water from a bowl by forming a J-shaped tongue curve and biting off a column of water is highly ineffective. Only 3/100 of a teaspoon is left over for cats per lap!

Cats are additionally delicate to the flavour and appearance of water. Most cats naturally prefer to be around clean, running water.

Chronic kidney illness, as well as other disorders like diarrhoea or diabetes, increase the risk of dehydration in cats.

Signs of Dehydration in Cats

Your cat could become dehydrated if she doesn’t use her water bowl. Dehydration in a cat can manifest as:

  • Dry gums
  • sluggishness or depression
  • reduced appetite
  • Decrease in skin elasticity
  • higher heart rate

If you gently pinch the skin across her shoulders and the skin stays collected when you let go, you might have a dehydrated cat on your hands. Dehydration is indicated by “skin tenting,” which is a symptom.

Call your veterinarian if you see any of the aforementioned symptoms. They can administer fluids to your cat, rule out any conceivable ailments, and provide advice on how to avoid recurrent dehydration.

How Much Water Should a Cat Drink?

Depending on their weight and the sort of food they consume, cats require different quantities of water (dry kibble or canned wet food).

Even the healthiest cats have trouble drinking the recommended amount of water due to the peculiar curvature of their mouths. A cat gets only 3/100 of a teaspoon from one lap of water.

Some cats can drink too much water, despite the fact that many cats have trouble staying hydrated. If your cat consumes more water than usual, it could be an indication of diabetes or feline hyperthyroidism.

How to Get a Cat to Drink Water

It can be challenging to get your cat to drink enough water. It can take some trial and error before you find something she likes. To see how your cat responds, try one or more of the following ideas.

Select the Correct Water Bowl: Your cat may feel uncomfortable if her whiskers come in contact with her present deep, narrow water bowl. To test if your cat drinks more, try altering her water bowl to one that is wider, shallower, and has a smaller lip.

Put it in the Right Spot: Cats don’t like being pushed into a corner, despite the allure of hiding their food and water bowls in an out-of-the-way location. They favour settings where they can quickly scan their surroundings and aren’t concerned about somebody creeping up behind them. Check to see if relocating her water bowl will help.

Keep it Fresh: Particles accumulate in water as it sits for a longer period of time. Your cat’s water bowl may become clogged with dust, filth, hair, and other debris, which may discourage her from drinking from it. One or two times every day, fill her bowl with new water.

Try a cat water fountain: There are various ideas as to why cats enjoy the sound of running water. As kids can watch it move, hear the sound it creates, and perhaps taste a difference, it might also appeal to more of their senses. Your cat may enjoy drinking water more if you install a cat water fountain.

Add Wet Cat Food to Her Diet: Keeping your cat hydrated doesn’t just require water. When all else fails and she still won’t drink enough, try hydrating her with broths or wet cat chow. She can boost her overall water consumption to assist prevent dehydration, even when wet food can’t completely replace water.

Even the most luxurious cat fountains, water bowls, and wet food bowls are insufficient for some cats. Consult your vet if your cat is still not getting enough water. They might give you additional advice or suggest a cat hydration supplement to help you boost your cat’s water intake.

Cats drink water, and it’s essential to their life. Your cat will be happier and healthier if you keep her well-hydrated. Explore all of our wet cat food alternatives to encourage your cat to drink more water overall. Before include new food in your cat’s diet, always consult your vet.

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