Asthma In Dogs

Similar to us, dogs can experience mild to severe asthma attacks. Our Huntersville veterinarians outline the warning signs and symptoms of canine asthma, what to do if your dog has an episode, and how to treat it now.

Asthma is an allergic condition that affects dogs far less frequently than it does cats. When a dog experiences an allergic reaction to an allergen, asthma episodes happen. The inflammation of the airway causes the tiny airways in the lungs to tighten and spasm.

The condition has often been diagnosed in certain young dogs and middle-aged canines. Compared to large dogs, small dogs are more likely to be diagnosed with the illness.

Risk Factors

Smoke (from cigarettes, fires, or wood stoves), household cleaners, air fresheners or deodorizers, fragrances, air pollution, airborne pollen, mould spores, pesticides and fertiliser, and cat litter particles are common allergens that can cause an attack. Triggers in some dogs might be as unassuming as the smell of cooking or a burning candle.

Symptoms of asthma in dogs:

Fortunately, regular breathing and panting are very different from the symptoms of a canine asthma episode. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, suspect asthma:

  1.  Wear pants that are longer and heavier than usual. Keep an eye out for “wide mouth” breathing and pronounced chest expansion and contraction.
  2. Coughing, wheezing, or a breathless appearance.
  3. Loss of appetite or energy.
  4. The gums may turn pale or even blue during severe bouts; in this case, your dog needs to see a veterinarian right once.

Dogs with asthma are typically identified with an X-ray and treated with a variety of drugs.

Prevention Pays

To make a healthy environment for dogs with asthma, think about taking the following actions:

  •  Avoid smoking near animals.
  •  Rather than burning wood, use your fireplace and wood-burning stove as a beautiful backdrop. Cozy effects can be achieved using battery-operated candles, faux lighting logs, or non-toxic plants
  • Use white vinegar to scrub tile and hardwood floors, either directly from the bottle or diluted with water.
  •  Think about removing carpets.They are overloaded during the manufacturing process with hazardous compounds that are probably never going to be remove
  •  You might want to think about scattering small bowls of baking soda throughout your home in place of air fresheners and deodorizers. They effectively absorb scents and can be concealed beneath or under furniture or trinkets.
  •  Instead of using fragrances, think about using essential oils, which can be specially blended to mimic scents but without chemicals or allergies.
  • Air-purifying devices are excellent for reducing indoor air pollution. Running the air conditioner and using a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter in your air conditioners or HVAC system are less expensive solutions for lowering the humidity in your home.
  •  Use a natural insecticide, like boric acid, in places where your dog can’t access them.
  •  You can Use dust-free cat litter if you have cats in the house; it’s better for your cat’s lungs and the air quality for the entire household.
  •  Regularly bathe your dog and make sure he is completely dry.

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