pet parenting

Is It Normal To Talk To Your Pets?

My dog and I converse. I converse with every dog in the dog park as well. You may not always be a “normal” person, but I don’t believe this to be one of my dubious character flaws. I believe communicating with animals in any way, not only to see whether they want to play fetch,[...]
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How to Stop Puppy Biting

Is the new dog in your family attacking anything it can get its mouth on? Why do young pups bite so frequently? If your dog bites you, is it natural or should you try to stop it?(How to Stop Puppy Biting) A summary of puppy biting behaviour is provided here, along with suggestions for preventing[...]
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Puppy Crying: Why it Happens and How to Help

Puppies pick up on how to communicate with you by acting in certain ways (wagging tail, eye contact, cuddling up next to you, etc.). They vocalise when they want to communicate. Your dog might create a wide variety of noises. booming barks, piercing yips, and yes, even wailing and crying. The saddest noises, like whimpering[...]
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Is My Cat Happy?

Do you ever wonder if your cat is happy when you stare at them? Unlike many dogs, cats don’t frequently wear their emotions on their sleeves. You can detect if your cat is content and enjoying life by paying close attention to their body language and practising. Cats, like all other animals, experience the whole[...]
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5 Weird Things Cats Love

Everyone has unique behavioural tendencies, and occasionally it seems like our cats do too. Do you think it’s odd that despite the fancy cat toys you buy, your cat prefers to play with a straightforward hair tie? Although cats are enigmatic animals, there is typically a purpose for their actions or a justification for their[...]
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How to Tell if a Cat Is in Pain

Cats are known for their talent in hiding their discomfort and anguish. Even if you are the person closest to them, they may be in severe pain without you even realising it because of how expertly they do this(How to Tell if a Cat Is in Pain). When cats are out in the wild with[...]
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How to Read Cat Behavior to Reduce the Risk of Cat Biting

The easiest approach to prevent cat bites is to become familiar with the signs that a cat is beginning to feel uncomfortable in a given circumstance. You may prevent stressful situations and make sure that your relationship with your cat grows stronger and healthier by knowing your cat’s body language. In blog we will discuss[...]
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