
Hairballs in Cats

There is no denying that cat hairballs are unpleasant. In addition to being unpleasant for the person cleaning them up, they might result in intestinal obstructions, which can pose a major risk to your cat’s health. It’s given that cats are going to groom themselves, so what can you do to keep hairballs to a[...]
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Is Grain-Free Cat Food Better?

As a cat parent, it goes without saying that you want the longest and most enjoyable life for your feline pet. Making sure that your cat is getting the proper nutrients is essential for sustaining their health. Therefore, choosing a cat food is a really crucial choice. The fact that there are now a staggering[...]
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Is My Cat Happy?

Do you ever wonder if your cat is happy when you stare at them? Unlike many dogs, cats don’t frequently wear their emotions on their sleeves. You can detect if your cat is content and enjoying life by paying close attention to their body language and practising. Cats, like all other animals, experience the whole[...]
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5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction

We share an allergy to allergic responses with our dogs. Dogs and cats can experience anaphylaxis, a severe and sometimes fatal response that is frequently observed in people after exposure to items like shellfish, nuts, and insect stings(5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction). Numerous allergens, such as those caused by insect bites[...]
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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry?

Cats often graze, eating little and often while they are awake during the day. No matter how much food you give certain cats or how frequently you feed them, they never seem to be satiated. Numerous factors, ranging from plain boredom to grave medical issues, might cause this. 8 Reasons for Increased Appetite in Cats[...]
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5 Weird Things Cats Love

Everyone has unique behavioural tendencies, and occasionally it seems like our cats do too. Do you think it’s odd that despite the fancy cat toys you buy, your cat prefers to play with a straightforward hair tie? Although cats are enigmatic animals, there is typically a purpose for their actions or a justification for their[...]
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How to Tell if a Cat Is in Pain

Cats are known for their talent in hiding their discomfort and anguish. Even if you are the person closest to them, they may be in severe pain without you even realising it because of how expertly they do this(How to Tell if a Cat Is in Pain). When cats are out in the wild with[...]
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Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats sleep fifteen hours on average each day, with some sleeping up to twenty hours in a 24-hour period. Consequently, it begs the question of why cats sleep so much. The ‘Catnap’ The first thing you should know is that cats spend the majority of their waking hours sleeping and are most active between dark[...]
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