
How to Get Rid of Dog Pee Smell

It doesn’t matter if you’re potty training a young puppy or finding accidents with an older dog—the scent of dog pee isn’t pleasant. Accidents do occur; this is normal. With puppies and dogs that are being housebroken, exercise patience and employ positive reinforcement. Take your dog to the vet if they have started having accidents[...]
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Why Do Dogs Lift Their Leg to Pee?

You might have come across an amusing video of a pug peeing while performing a handstand while browsing the internet. While this is amusing, there are actually 12 different elimination positions that dogs utilise when they need to urinate. Here we will discuss Why Do Dogs Lift Their Leg to Pee and learn about it.[...]
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Why Does My Dog Lick My Wounds?

Most dog owners have experienced it: they suffer a little skin wound, and the next thing they know, their dog is licking it. Ever questioned Why Does My Dog Lick My Wounds? Is this a natural reaction to sanitise the wound or comfort you after being hurt? Why Do Dogs Lick Your Wounds? Most animals[...]
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Why Do Dogs Lick You?

Dogs often lick people to show affection, as a greeting, or to simply get our attention. Even though you may adore your dog, not everyone appreciates dog “kisses.” The majority of dog owners think their pets lick them as a sign of affection, but why do dogs actually lick us? What does it imply if your[...]
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Distichiasis in Dogs

Is your dog often having eye infections or does he have watery eyes? In dogs, this might be an indication of distichiasis. This illness causes your dog to grow additional eyelashes, which can rub against his eye and create a variety of problems. If you see anything wrong with your dog’s eye, take him to[...]
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