Year: 2022

How to Stop Puppy Biting

Is the new dog in your family attacking anything it can get its mouth on? Why do young pups bite so frequently? If your dog bites you, is it natural or should you try to stop it?(How to Stop Puppy Biting) A summary of puppy biting behaviour is provided here, along with suggestions for preventing[...]
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Puppy Crying: Why it Happens and How to Help

Puppies pick up on how to communicate with you by acting in certain ways (wagging tail, eye contact, cuddling up next to you, etc.). They vocalise when they want to communicate. Your dog might create a wide variety of noises. booming barks, piercing yips, and yes, even wailing and crying. The saddest noises, like whimpering[...]
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Is Grain-Free Cat Food Better?

As a cat parent, it goes without saying that you want the longest and most enjoyable life for your feline pet. Making sure that your cat is getting the proper nutrients is essential for sustaining their health. Therefore, choosing a cat food is a really crucial choice. The fact that there are now a staggering[...]
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Dandruff in Dogs

You might be wondering if your dog has dandruff or even if dogs can develop dandruff if you’ve observed white flakes in their fur. They can, yes. Both people and dogs can get seborrheic dermatitis, also known as dandruff. Although dandruff is not normally an indication of a serious illness, you can consult a veterinarian[...]
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Is My Cat Happy?

Do you ever wonder if your cat is happy when you stare at them? Unlike many dogs, cats don’t frequently wear their emotions on their sleeves. You can detect if your cat is content and enjoying life by paying close attention to their body language and practising. Cats, like all other animals, experience the whole[...]
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Why Are Dog Noses Wet?

Have you ever been struck by your dog’s chilly, wet nose and wondered why it happened every time? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that your dog’s nose is warm and dry and questioned whether this indicates they’re ill. Everything you need to know about your dog’s nose, including why it is often cold and wet and[...]
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5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction

We share an allergy to allergic responses with our dogs. Dogs and cats can experience anaphylaxis, a severe and sometimes fatal response that is frequently observed in people after exposure to items like shellfish, nuts, and insect stings(5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction). Numerous allergens, such as those caused by insect bites[...]
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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry?

Cats often graze, eating little and often while they are awake during the day. No matter how much food you give certain cats or how frequently you feed them, they never seem to be satiated. Numerous factors, ranging from plain boredom to grave medical issues, might cause this. 8 Reasons for Increased Appetite in Cats[...]
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