
Dandruff in Dogs

You might be wondering if your dog has dandruff or even if dogs can develop dandruff if you’ve observed white flakes in their fur. They can, yes. Both people and dogs can get seborrheic dermatitis, also known as dandruff. Although dandruff is not normally an indication of a serious illness, you can consult a veterinarian[...]
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5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction

We share an allergy to allergic responses with our dogs. Dogs and cats can experience anaphylaxis, a severe and sometimes fatal response that is frequently observed in people after exposure to items like shellfish, nuts, and insect stings(5 Signs Your Pet Is Having an Allergic Reaction). Numerous allergens, such as those caused by insect bites[...]
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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry?

Cats often graze, eating little and often while they are awake during the day. No matter how much food you give certain cats or how frequently you feed them, they never seem to be satiated. Numerous factors, ranging from plain boredom to grave medical issues, might cause this. 8 Reasons for Increased Appetite in Cats[...]
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Can Dogs Eat Honey?

Honey is sweet, however it additionally carries herbal sugars which can be stated to offer some of healing blessings for people. It occasionally also makes its way into our pets’ jaws. But does honey offer any health benefits for dogs and is it safe to give it to them? Is Honey Safe for Dogs? In moderation, dogs are okay to consume honey. Natural sugars and trace levels of vitamins and minerals[...]
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How Can You Tell If Your Pet Is Overweight?

55.8% of dogs are classed as overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention’s (APOP) 2018 Pet Obesity Survey. Therefore, even though many pet owners are unaware of it, the majority of pets nowadays are overweight. However, overweight dogs put your dog at danger for several problems, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and[...]
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Asthma In Dogs

Similar to us, dogs can experience mild to severe asthma attacks. Our Huntersville veterinarians outline the warning signs and symptoms of canine asthma, what to do if your dog has an episode, and how to treat it now. Asthma is an allergic condition that affects dogs far less frequently than it does cats. When a[...]
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Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

This is a common question to come up in the course of a veterinary visit. “Can Cats Eat Dog Food?” The quick answer is that a cat can consume modest amounts of dog without experiencing any toxicity or long-term consequences. The extended response, however, delves into the variations between our canine and feline pals that[...]
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Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Regardless of whether your cat lives indoors or outside, one thing is for sure: your feline companion has certainly chewed on grass more than once. Even while it may seem odd, especially if your cat pukes later, there is nothing to be concerned about. In addition to the fact that there is no proof that[...]
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Do Cats Drink Water?

Do Cats Drink Water? They do, absolutely. Despite the frequent depictions of cats drinking milk in films and other media, most felines shouldn’t consume it. However, water is just as essential to a cat’s survival as it is to people. Water makes up 60–70% of their body weight. Many cats dislike drinking water despite the[...]
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Why Should We Avoid Feeding Sweets to Our Pets?

‘’ How many times has your dog smelled the location where you hide when you go out for ice cream at midnight?” In this Blog we will discuss Why Should We Avoid Feeding Sweets to Our Pets? They enjoy everything, from the inherently sweet flavours of fruits to artificial sweeteners. Regardless of an animal’s ability[...]
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