Month: October 2022

Can Dogs Eat Honey?

Honey is sweet, however it additionally carries herbal sugars which can be stated to offer some of healing blessings for people. It occasionally also makes its way into our pets’ jaws. But does honey offer any health benefits for dogs and is it safe to give it to them? Is Honey Safe for Dogs? In moderation, dogs are okay to consume honey. Natural sugars and trace levels of vitamins and minerals[...]
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How Can You Tell If Your Pet Is Overweight?

55.8% of dogs are classed as overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention’s (APOP) 2018 Pet Obesity Survey. Therefore, even though many pet owners are unaware of it, the majority of pets nowadays are overweight. However, overweight dogs put your dog at danger for several problems, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and[...]
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How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

The amount of food you should give your cat will depend on a number of things, including her age, lifestyle, and even the food itself. How Much Should I Feed My Cat? It can be difficult to determine how much food your cat requires each day, whether you’re new to cat ownership or you’ve changed[...]
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How Much Water Should a Dog Drink?

The primary component of a body’s healthy, live cells is water. Your dog’s body won’t function correctly without water. Your dog will specifically become dehydrated. This can occur if your dog doesn’t drink enough water, therefore you should regularly clean and restock your dog’s water bowl. Additionally, you should pay attention to your dog’s water[...]
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Dry Dog Food vs. Wet Dog Food: Which Is Better?

It might be very difficult for you to select a diet that is suitable for your pet due to the sheer amount of dog food items available on the market. Even the simplest decision between wet and dry dog food can be daunting because there are so many different brands and ingredients to choose from.[...]
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