Month: May 2022

How to Train a Dog Not to Bark

Dogs are capable of communicating in a number of ways. Many dog owners are aware of their dog’s body language and what particular indicators may mean. A wagging tail, for example, indicates that your dog is joyful, but a tucked and down tail indicates that he is scared or afraid. Barking is a big part[...]
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Five Ways to Encourage Positive Behaviour in Your Dog

A well-trained dog will be your best buddy, being playful, loving, and dependable. Teaching your dog this canine form of positive thinking is simple, but it won’t happen unless you lead the way. There are several methods for teaching a dog the ins and outs of living in the human world, including how they interact[...]
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Treatment For Joint Pain In Dogs

Joint discomfort affects dogs of all ages, lowering their quality of life and even leading to more serious diseases and injuries if left untreated. Unless you know what to look for, this discomfort may be difficult to detect. Our Thornton veterinarians discuss joint discomfort in dogs, including the many types, causes, and treatment options. In[...]
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Obesity In Dogs

Canine obesity refers to an extra of white adipose tissue and is usually the end result of power consumption exceeding power expenditure. Obesity is related to reduced lifestyles span, reduced mobility, diabetes, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, problem breathing, problem grooming, accelerated threat of hyperthermia and accelerated threat of most cancers. Obesity in dogs results[...]
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Why Is My Cat So Needy & Clingy?

This type of behaviour in cats can be caused by a variety of factors. Continue reading to learn more about it and what you can do if you and your cat have this experience. What are the reasons cats are needy? There might be several explanations for your cat’s neediness. Each of these factors should[...]
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Seizures in Dogs

Your typically joyful canine seems wobbly and perplexed. They then disintegrate at the ground. They seem like treading water, notwithstanding the reality that they’re ignorant of what goes on. They’re having a convulsion. What is inflicting this, and what are you able to do approximately it? Your canine might also additionally have a seizure hassle[...]
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Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

You might be confused if you see your favourite canine buddy chewing grass because they plainly aren’t a cow. Perhaps you’re concerned. Do they seem to be starving? Bored? Sick? Is it safe for them to eat grass? First, know that you’re not alone in your worry, especially if your dog is vomiting after eating[...]
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Why Are Cats Attracted To Olives?

This is a highly regular occurrence among felines, but we don’t know what it means. The fragrance of the olive appears to remind the cat of specific pheromones (odours generated by glands that stimulate physiological or behavioural reactions between members of the same species) emitted by their congeners, especially during mating. In the presence of[...]
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Why Do People Use Weird Voices When Talking To Their Pets?

  Even if we haven’t gotten a single spoken answer in thousands of years, we humans like talking to our dogs. Animals, on the other hand, don’t have to answer to let us know they’re listening. According to studies, certain animals, such as dogs, can grasp a limited amount of human language. But, aside from[...]
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Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

Have you ever spotted your cat leaping into your house’s empty packing boxes? Cats seem to enjoy curling up in cardboard boxes, despite the fact that it may not appear to be the most comfortable napping area. While scientists aren’t sure why cats have such a weird love to boxes, here are a few theories.[...]
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